Call for Publication: Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations


The Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations is administered by the Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The Editors invites  unpublished, accurate, updated, trustworthy, and original research, papers, articles, case-studies, book reviews, PhD thesis reviews, summaries and reports, and comparative studies (that lead to new insights and challenge orthodox theories that have potential for policy impact) on a range of disciplinary perspectives, examining, among others, any aspect of work, labour and employment relations in union and non-union setting, high performance work systems, the demographics of the workplace, corporate restructuring and downsizing, impact of globalisation on national labour markets, information and communication technologies in the workplace, gender and job satisfaction, and management of technology and innovation in the workplace. Authors who publish in this journal will enjoy prompt publishing, multidisciplinary audience, and high visibility of exposure when they publish in this journal.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Papers to be submitted in the journal should be original contributions that are not under consideration for any other publication at the same time.
  2. Papers must be written in correct and concise English that meets the requirement of effective scientific communication. Papers will be subjected to Turnitin plagiarism checker with 20 point Similarity Index; papers exceeding this Index will have to be revised.
  3. Papers must be written in Times New Roman, font 12, double line spacing, and in Word 97-2003 document (save as type).
  4. Title of paper should be within 12-15 words.
  5. First page of paper should contain title of paper, author name(s), institutional address, email, and telephone number.
  6. Abstract should not be more than maximum of 150 words and 5 key words. Kindly indicate the title of the journal.
  7. Main content should not be more than maximum 6,000 words excluding the abstract, graphs, maps, tables/figures and references. All headings and sub-headings should be bold.
  8. Tables, figures, in-text citation, and references must be done in APA Guide: 7th Edition (Download the Edition and summary of changes from the Internet).

The Publication fee N25,000 (N5,000 for assessment and N20,000 for paper publication).


Deadline for Submission of Abstract and Full Paper: (30 June, 2021)

  • Deadline for Abstract Submission:
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance:
  • Deadline for Full paper Submission:

 Soft copy of the Manuscripts should be sent to the following email addresses:

  1. K. O. Kester (Editor-in-Chief)
    Email: 08023681626
  1. Dr Donatus Ukpabi (Business Editor).