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Ibadan Adult Education Journal.
Since 1949

Ibadan Adult Education Journals is an online journal platform of the Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan. We currently publish four journals: International Journals of Literacy Education, International Journal of Continuing and Non-formal Education,  International Journal of Community Education and Development, and Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations 

Our journals are devoted to the study, research, dissemination and exchange of knowledge and information on all aspects of literacy, adult education and development. 

International Journal of Continuing and Non-formal Education
International Journals of Literacy Education
International Journal of Community Education and Development
Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations


Call for Paper

We invites unpublished, accurate, updated, trustworthy, and original papers and research reports

Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces: Exploring Opportunities, Possibilities and Creativity

Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations

International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education

International Journal of Literacy Education

International Journal of Community Education and Development (IJCED)


Prof. K.O. Kester


Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations

Prof. K.O. Ojokheta


International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education

Prof. O.E. Olajide


International Journal of Community Education and Development

Prof. O. O. Adelore


International Journals of Literacy Education