A Critical Discourse of the Challenges Confronting Women Education in the 21st Century, Nigeria

The world is fast moving to absolute formally educated society. It has become imperative for all members of the society to become educated. This is why international partner countries have made it point of agreement to pursue
education for all, without barrier, through Education for All (EFA) with emphasis on women education. Likewise, major goals of MDGs and SGDs and others, that focus on the Education for all place emphasis on women education,
yet the level of illiteracy is still high in many countries including Nigeria. In Nigeria, the current spate of insecurity has become the culprit as large population of uneducated women are growing at an alarming rate; with the exit of many girl-children from school because of fear of being kidnapped or because they are already in captivity of the kidnapper-terrorists. Aside terrorism, poverty, cultural bias and fear of the unknown are also parts of the reasons why many women do not benefit from schooling especially in the Northern parts and some Southern parts of Nigeria. The question that arise are; are there going to be educated women in Nigeria in the not far future? Or is
women education anything to come by in Nigeria? This paper examines the challenges confronting women education in the 21st century Nigeria. The work is an analytical work with extensive explications of the issues involved in women education. The paper concluded with the opinion that, women education is beset with barrage of challenges and needs urgent attention. The work equally made recommendations.

Ojo, Ronke C., PhD. A Critical Discourse of the Challenges Confronting Women Education in the 21st Century, Nigeria. International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (IJCNFE), 11, 526-536.