- Author(s): Blessing Egbichi Anyikwa and Samuel Olufemi Adeniyi
- Volume 10, June 2021
Digital learning is increasingly becoming the norm in most institutions across the globe due to impact of Covid-19 pandemic which has made it a compelling alternative. University of Lagos has also yielded to this new learning style owing to learning gap created during lockdown. This study examined accessibility, knowledge acquisition and acceptability of learning management system
among young undergraduates in University of Lagos. The study adopted expo facto research design because it is an after-the-fact study. The population for the study was 6,600 students. Samples of 495 students were selected through convenient sampling from Faculties of Arts, Education, Sciences and Management sciences. Four hypotheses were tested and the instrument used for data collection was students’ LMS usability scale 0.72. Data collected
were analysed using ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis. The results revealed a significant difference in the accessibility of learning management system among students in different Faculties, also a significant difference in students’ acceptability of LMS across Faculties; there is significant difference in knowledge acquisition on learning management system among participants and accessibility and acceptability of LMS by students across Faculties that
participated jointly contributed to knowledge acquisition by the participants. It is recommended that the LMS be sustained for teaching and learning at the University of Lagos.