Action Plan for Implementing the Strategic Priority Areas of UNESCO’s New Literacy Strategy [2020-2025] in Nigeria

UNESCO at its 40th General Conference in Paris adopted a new Strategy for Youth and Adult Literacy (2020-2025) in order to improve the vision and strategy for literacy’s contribution to SDG 4 – Education 2030. This paper, therefore, advocated the need for the development of an action plan for implementing the new strategy in Nigeria. It began with the discussion of the components of the new strategy comprising the vision, main goal, specific aims and targets, as well as the strategic priority areas related to policy and planning,
equity and inclusion, innovation and accountability. It also discussed the UNESCO’s previous works upon which the strategy was built. It equally dissected the action plan put forward by UNESCO for implementing the new strategy globally and its implications for the development of country-by-country action plan. The paper proposed the development of an action plan for implementing the new strategy in Nigeria with specific recommendations on the development of national literacy policies and strategies, addressing the learning needs of disadvantaged groups, leveraging digital technologies to expand access and
improve learning outcomes, and monitoring progress and assessing literacy skills and programmes. The paper concluded that the new strategy will be achieved by 2025 in Nigeria if the proposed action plan is strictly adhered to.

Ojokheta, K.O. PhD and Edeh John Onimisi PhD. Action Plan for Implementing the Strategic Priority Areas of UNESCO’s New Literacy Strategy [2020-2025] in Nigeria. International Journal of Literacy Education, 10, 1-21.