Adoption and Sustainability of Livelihood Improvement Practices among Beneficiaries of FADAMA II Project in Katsina State, Nigeria

The study examined the adoption and sustainability of livelihood improvement practices among the beneficiaries of FADAMA II project in Katsina State. Fadama II was a follow-up to the successful implementation of Fadama I
between 1993 and 1999 with support from the World Bank. However, the use of the word Fadama in naming the project could be explained by its focus on private economic agents that derive their livelihood either directly or indirectly on the exploration of the natural resources situated in the Fadama areas. Four objectives were constructed to guide the study. The study adopted survey design and used a sample of 355 beneficiaries selected from a total of 25,000 male and female beneficiaries of the project chosen through a multistage sampling technique. Three  esearch instruments were used in the study: Sustainability and Livelihood Improvement Questionnaire that was tested for reliability using Spearman Rank Order and a reliability coefficient of 0.69 was obtained; Key Informant Interview Schedule and Focus Group Discussion Guide. Results from the study indicated that the level of implementation of the sustainability and livelihood improvement practices of FADAMA II during the implementation period was high in Katsina State; the factors that led to the adoption of the sustainability and livelihood improvement practices include technology appropriateness, simple for practice nature of the technology, readily available inputs, adequate knowledge obtained and technology sharing by extension staff leading to livelihood improvement and that male and female beneficiaries significantly differed in their adoption decision of the sustainability and livelihood  mprovement practices;. The study also demonstrated that the adoption of the sustainability and livelihood
improvement practices had positive effects on the personal and occupational activities of the beneficiaries of the project. The major recommendations were that the best practices of the project should be sustained and replicated by governments through capacity building and advisory services; subsidized inputs such as fertilizer and pesticides should be made available to community members who have chosen to adopt the sustainability and livelihood
improvement practices so as to boast their production activities.

Dr. Babangida Ladan, Prof. Muhammad Bello Shitu. Adoption and Sustainability of Livelihood Improvement Practices among Beneficiaries of FADAMA II Project in Katsina State, Nigeria. International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (IJCNFE), 11, 376-389.