Adult Education and Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals 4, 5 and 10 in Nigeria

This paper examined the role of Adult Education in the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria. It began with a brief discussion of the 17 SDGs and the context of the emergence and adoption of the goals. It also briefly discussed the conceptual clarification of adult education and some components of SDGs. The paper argued that adult education has a prominent role to play in the
attainment of the SDGs in Nigeria and provided a strong justification to back the assertion. It further developed a framework of how adult education can be utilised to achieve the SDGs in Nigeria and concluded that if the framework is strictly adhered to, in terms of implementation, the country would be on the right path to achieving the goals before 2030- the expiration date for the  implementation of the SDGs globally. The paper made some conclusion with the roles of critical stakeholders in the attainment of SDGs in Nigeria.

Ojo Ronke Christiana PhD. Adult Education and Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals 4, 5 and 10 in Nigeria. International Journal of Continuing and Non-formal Education, 10, 186-203.