Advocating Workers’ Skills Development for Job Efficiency and Organisational Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era in Nigeria

The advent of the fourth industrial revolution, also known as 4IR, has brought forth new technologies that are revolutionising all facets of human endeavours and activities into what is known as the 4.0 concept.The 4lR has ushered rapid technological innovations which have had a wide-ranging transformation globally in the workforce, organisational productivity, and changes in the labour market. Invariably, continuous learning, upskilling and reskilling will be essential for workers to keep up with the rapid technological innovations of the fourth industrial revolution. This paper, therefore, advocated the need for workers in Nigeria to engage in continuous skills development to fit into the organisational requirements of the 4lR and survive the rapid changes in thelabour. It further discussed the emergence and characteristics of the fourth industrial revolution, the technologies associated with the fourth industrial revolution, conceptual clarification of digital skills in 4lR, the skills needed by workers in the 4lR, the need for workers to engage in skills development in the 4lR, the need for organisations to encourage workers’ skills development in 4lR, and the cardinal components of workers’ skills development in the 4lR. The
paper recommended, among others, development of workers’ skills acquisition plan by organisations, and development of digital skills training programmes by all organisations for employees. The paper concluded that organisations in Nigeria can help workers acquire or upskill their digital skills and competencies by developing workers’ digital transformation strategy to aid smooth working process within the organisation.

Akintola, A. L. Advocating Workers’ Skills Development for Job Efficiency and Organisational Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era in Nigeria. International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (IJCNFE), 11, 132-149.