Analysing Elements of Peace Education in Secondary School Curriculum in Osun State, Nigeria: The Outcome of a Study

This paper, the outcome of a study, examined the elements of peace education in secondary school curriculum in Osun State, Nigeria with the background knowledge that the promotion of peaceful inclinations must start with children in schools. The quantitative research design relying on secondary data from public documentary sources—the Osun State Secondary School curriculum, the
National Examination Council Syllabus, West Africa Examination Council syllabus and text books and journals on peace education was adopted. 36 subjects listed in the curriculum were reviewed using the Peace Elements Evaluative Framework (PEEF) developed by the researcher. The major findings of the study showed that the Osun state secondary school curriculum has high peace
education content; however, the practically means for imbibing the values of peace to bring about the culture of peace in the pupils requires a fundamental change in knowledge, attitude, behaviour and world view. The study recommended that teachers should be trained on the methods of imbibing the value of peace in the pupils and pupils centred peace activities, such as peace drama, debates, compositions and other activities in relation to peace should be
richly incorporated into the curriculum most especially the extracurriculum activities.

Dr. Adeola Ogunrin. Analysing Elements of Peace Education in Secondary School Curriculum in Osun State, Nigeria: The Outcome of a Study. International Journal of Literacy Education, 10, 258-271.