Assessment of Adult Education Lecturers Technology Usage in University of Nigeria, Nsukka

This study is an assessment of adult education lecturers’ technology usage in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The study was guided by two purposes and two research questions. The descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised of all the 41 lectures in the Department of Adult Education University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 38 lecturers responded to the instrument and were used as the sample size. Instrument for data collection was a checklist and questionnaire titled Assessment of Adult Education Lecturers Technology Usage Questionnaire (AAELTUQ). The instrument was face validated by three experts. The overall reliability coefficient of 0.74 was generated using Cronbach Alpha. This showed that the instrument was reliable. Data were analysed using Percentages, Mean and Standard deviation. Findings revealed that the available technologies used by adult education lecturers in teaching are mobile phones, WhatsApp, personal computers, zoom, email, Facebook, and interactive whiteboard. Also, the extent technologies are used among adult education lecturers in teaching is high. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made, among which was that Educational institutions and policymakers should allocate resources to enhance technology infrastructure, ensuring the availability of genuine software, adequate computers in the classroom, and high-speed internet. Again, University of Nigeria governing board should establish ongoing professional development programmes for adult education lecturers. These programmes should focus on enhancing technology skills, keeping educators updated on the latest educational technologies, and addressing challenges related to genuine software and adequate training.

Nwachukwu, Ruphina U., Okorie, Kingsley A., Oledibe, Victory C., Abonyi, Nathan O. Ngwoke, Chinweuba G. and Nwodo, Patience O. . Assessment of Adult Education Lecturers Technology Usage in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (IJCNFE), 11, 578-590.