- Author(s): Kester, K. O., Gbenro, I. A., Oni, Tejumade E. and Mkpa, Iquo O.
- Volume 11, No 2, 2023
This paper explores the possibility of adopting the multi-grade instructional approach method to adult learning and education because it align with all the principles of adult learning and its usage can lead to an improved learning outcomes as well as increased learner’s satisfaction if effectively used. Owing to the nature of adult learning and education as well as the characteristics of the learners, the multi-grade teaching approach can easily be adopted and integrated into the andragogical process to cater for the diverse needs of the adult learners. Its adoption will surely create supportive and inclusive learning environment for the adult learners. The use of the multi-grade will help the adult learners to take ownership of their learning as well as help them to build upon their prior knowledge. With multi-grade instructional method, it will be much easier to group the adult learners into flexible groups based on their needs, interests an abilities, and also create a profile for each with the mindset of understanding their individual strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences. As required by the principle of adult learning and education, the adoption of multi-grade will ensure that the teaching – learning process focuses on real- world situations, while offering flexible pacing and learning pathways.