Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions to Some Prevalent Forms of Addictions among Adolescents and Young Adults in Nigeria’s Society

Addictions of various types are prevalent in the world today, Nigeria inclusive. It is observed that Adolescents and young adults are involved in criminal activities on a daily basis and this is sometimes so because of their addiction to drugs by which they are made high to be bold to commit crimes and other antisocial behaviour. It is also observed that only drug addiction is focused on by the society neglecting others such as tattoo and sex addiction which also bring along with them various antisocial behaviour. This paper thus, examined some prevalent forms of addiction such as drug/ substance addiction, tattoo and sex addiction which are almost often overlooked. The paper discusses the likely causes of these addictions. Though many authors had worked on these addictions but not the three at the same time as drug abuse is usually thought to be the most prevalent and which is usually focused. The paper revealed that being involved in one addiction can trigger others. The paper recommended that for addictions to be curbed, awareness is key from the government, law enforcement agencies, religious organizations and parents. Therapies of various types should be given addicts for the purpose of rehabilitation.

Adedokun Mary, O. and Kolawole, A. O.Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions to Some Prevalent Forms of Addictions among Adolescents and Young Adults in Nigeria’s Society. International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (IJCNFE), 11, 62-74.