Challenges and Prospects of Collective Bargaining in Nigerian Public Sector

Public sector refers to government and government-controlled public enterprises or agencies as economic actors and employers of labour. Collective bargaining began from the public sector in Nigeria. The role of government in the development and practice of collective bargaining in Nigeria is pervasive. The paper used documentary methodology and obtained data from secondary
sources to extrapolate facts about the challenges and prospects of collective bargaining, while propositioning criteria for effective collective bargaining in public sector in Nigeria. The paper concluded that negotiations between government and labour unions were not premised on the principles and procedures of collective bargaining hence incessant industrial conicts in the country. Collective bargaining is a means to achieve industrial harmony. The
parties should hold sacrosanct the fundamental rights of labour unions to  collective bargaining, create an environment for the implementation of its principles and procedures, institute office of the ombudsman as watchdog for balance of political power during negotiations and use National Industrial Court rather than arbitrariness in conflict resolutions to promote harmonious
industrial relations.

Babatunde Ayoola Fajimi and Agbomehre Medinat Momoh Ph.D. Challenges and Prospects of Collective Bargaining in Nigerian Public Sector. Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations, 5(1&2), 64-83.