- Author(s): Joseph E. Bassey
- Volume 10, June 2021
This empirical paper investigated the effectiveness of two methods of teaching reading- Language Experience Approach (LEA) and Basal Method to adult learners to improve their comprehension. Language experience approach is a whole language approach used to teach both young and adult learners to read in his or her own spoken words. Basal method is a conventional method of teaching
children reading in formal schools. Quasi experimental design was adopted. Forty (40) adult learners were selected using purposive location. Three research questions were raised and three hypotheses were formulated. Reading Comprehension Achievement Tests (RCAT) A and B were used as pre-test and post-test respectively. Mean, standard deviation, ANCOVA and Scheffe’s post hoc test were used for analysis. Results from the study showed that language
experience approach (LEA) is superior to Basal in teaching adult learners. The reason is that, LEA is an andragogical method – an art of teaching adult learners. The paper recommended that facilitators should be encouraged to use LEA in teaching reading to adult learners. The paper concluded that the teaching of reading in adult literacy programme should be accorded top priority in order to
improve reading capacity and comprehension of adult learners.