Conflict Management Skills of Trade Union Leaders in Nigerian Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry in Nigeria is a fast growing industry, which portends great potentials for improvement in the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Given these potentials, there has been a paradigm policy focus and attention by the government and investors to the sector, with increased industrial relations activities due to the increased rate of employment in the industry. Previous studies have focused largely on leadership, organisational and environmental factors predisposing industrial conflicts within the industry with little emphasis on applying an effective intervening therapy that could enhance the trade union conflict management skills. It was on this basis that this study was designed to
assess conflict management skills adopted by the trade union leaders in the hospitality industry The descriptive survey design was adopted. The population for this study comprised all trade union trade leaders in the hospitality industry in Oyo and Lagos states, Nigeria Two lonest functioning hotel unions (branches) of the National Union of Hotel and Personal Services Workers were purposively selected. Instruments. The instruments for data collection were Conflicts Management Style Inventory (r=. .83) and Conflict Management Skill Questionnaire (r=. .89). Data were analysed using frequency count, percentages and mean. The results reveal that competing Skill. 70.0%, compromising skills 80.0% , avoiding skill 83.3% , accommodating skills 90.0% and collaborating skills 83.3% were the conflict management skills of the trade union leaders in
the Nigerian hospitality industry. It was recommended that adequate seminar and workshop in line with psychological intervention should put in place for the trader union leaders in training them how to handle conflict in the industry and trade union leaders should endeavour to acquire high level of education most  especially in the area of conflict handling in the organisation in managing the welfare of the co-workers and helping their well-being to enhance high level of productivity.

OJEDOKUN, Foluke. Conflict Management Skills of Trade Union Leaders in Nigerian Hospitality Industry. Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations, 5(1&2), 130-159.