- Author(s): Adeoti A. B and Okeowo Adediwura Esther
- Volume 11, No 1, 2023
This study examined the coping strategies adopted by Small and Medium Enterprises during Covid-19 pandemic in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. It adopted descriptive research design of ex-post- facto because it enables the researcher for easy manipulation. The population comprised small and medium business organisations located in Ibadan North Local Government Area in Ibadan Metropolis Oyo State, Nigeria. The choice of the location was based on a number of small and medium enterprises that are located within the area. The population comprised small and medium business organisations located in Ibadan Metropolis’ the area was chosen because the area is dominated
by small and medium business organization. On the whole, total numbers of business owners selected for the study were One hundred (100). A pilot study was done to ensure consistence and reliability of the data in another location.
Data were analysed through statistical package of the social science while the hypotheses were analysed with correlations and standard deviations. The finding showed that the there is significant relationship between online
marketing during covid-19 pandemic and private business owners in Ibadan with (N=96, r= .537**, p<0.05). the finding also showed that there is a connection between working from home as coping strategy adopted during
covid-19 pandemic and private business owners in Ibadan Metropolis with (N=96, r= .274**, p>0.05) and there is significant relationship between shift duty during covid-19 infection and private business owners in Ibadan
Metropolis with (N=96, r= .519**, p<0.05). The study recommended that in case of any pandemic there is need for business owners to move towards online business as the best alternative when experiencing any form of pandemic. It is also recommended that business owners should work from home when facing with any form of pandemic.