COVID-19 Awareness and Preventive Information Utilisation among Rural Community Dwellers in Ogun State, Nigeria

There were campaigns to curtail COVID-19 pandemic. The paper investigated the awareness level of COVI-19 and the preventive information utilisation among rural community dwellers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Descriptive research design was adopted for the work. A questionnaire entitled Awareness of Coronavirus Pandemic, Preventive Information and Utilisation among Rural Community
Dwellers of Ogun State, Nigeria was developed, pretested, modified, and used for data collection. Tables of percentile, together with 5- level Likert Scales and In-depth Analysis were used for data analysis and presentation. The findings show that the levels of awareness about COVID-19 pandemic were very adequate. Utilisation of information for curtailment was enormous, adequate, and applied to great advantage. The paper recommends that there should be further
research and development into the use of social media as means of disseminating information about COVID-19 and similar pandemic in rural areas.

Adeniyi, A. PhD and Aderogba, K. PhD. COVID-19 Awareness and Preventive Information Utilisation among Rural Community Dwellers in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of Literacy Education, 10, 200-220.