- Author(s): Kazeem, L. K.
- Volume 11, No 2, 2023
With the global exponential growth of knowledge in many fields (especially in, Science, technology, engineering and Mathematics), there are new demands on school curriculum in Nigeria to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete and succeed in the 21st -century. The Nigerian education system which hitherto put lots of emphasis on curriculum that are not sensitive to the prevailing social economic challenges and deficient in promoting selfreliance (Orji, 2021), needs to be rejigged. The rejigging was carried out through
the reviews of the national policy on education in 2004, 2007 and 2013. The introduction or revision of curriculum have implications for the personnel, especially teachers, who will be responsible for delivering the programmes. This led to the development, the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), produced a detailed Teachers’ Guide, for effective implementation of the curriculum. Although the teachers’ guide and the subsequent training of teachers, introduced them to new skills and knowledge about their responsibility as teachers, there is apparent gap in the teaching of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship education. This paper is an attempt at redirecting the delivery of entrepreneurship education, towards enhancing creativity and innovation competencies from cradle to grave. The paper is of the opinion that the mastering of creativity and innovation skills are crucial entrepreneurship education. That the delivery of entrepreneurship education without equipping the learners, via lifelong education practice is more like scratching the surface of sustainable development. It recommended that schools should be fundamentally committed towards a common vision of creating meaningful relationships with students, providing students with relevant instruction that prepares them for the realities of the world around them and ensuring rigorous learning opportunities that help them excel in the workforce.