- Author(s): Prof. K. O. Ojokheta and Edeh John Onimisi PhD
- Volume 10, June 2021
The low commitment-level in the implementation of the global recommendations for promoting adult learning and education in Nigeria requires an urgent attention. This paper advocates that the next-level agenda of top priority in Nigeria should be the design of action frameworks for the implementation of global recommendations on adult learning and education. The paper began
with the discussion of some efforts of the international community in making adult learning and education a top priority. It further discussed the various global perceptions of adult learning and education. The global general and specific recommendations for promoting adult learning and education on policy, governance, financing, participation, inclusion and equity, quality, and
international cooperation were presented with the appropriate indices. The challenges confronting the implementation of the global recommendations on adult learning and education in Nigeria were identified and some concrete suggestions for effective implementation of the recommendations were suggested. The paper concluded that the recognition of adult learning and education as a key pillar in the education system in Nigeria will be enhanced if
concrete and appropriate strategic framework is put in place for the implementation of the global recommendations.