Effects of Reinforcement on the Academic Performance of Learners of English as a Second Language in Awka Educational Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria

This study investigates the outcome of reinforcement on the learners of English as a second language, with a focus on the senior secondary school students in Awka Educational Zone of Anambra State. The study X-rays the effects of material and non-material reinforcers on the senior secondary English language learners of the target area. The study unearths the fact that learning the English
language effectively involves appropriate reinforcement; both material and non-material. To prove this hypothesis, a pre-teaching/post-teaching test experimental design is developed. One hundred and eighty (180) subjects of ninety boys and ninety girls were randomly selected from SSII classes of two secondary schools
in Awka urban and rural areas. They were taught English language lessons for five weeks using direct and indirect reinforcement contingencies such as awarding of prizes and verbal praises. The other groups were not reinforced. The data obtained were analysed and tested at 0.05 level of significance using Fisher’s Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and two-tailed t-test, where two groups were involved. At the end of the investigation, it was proven; the first group which was well reinforced achieved a higher performance than the group which did not receive any reinforcement. On the whole, it was proven that material and non-material modes of reinforcements are effective in the teaching and learning of English especially in Nigerian senior secondary schools. From the research,
it is therefore recommended that there should be increased commitment to the use of various positive reinforcers in the teaching and learning of English in our senior secondary schools, for effective students’ participation in the classroom and accelerated learning outcomes in the language.

Joy Eyisi, Philomena Elom, Joy Eyisi Jr., Frank Onuh, and Chinonso Okolo. Effects of Reinforcement on the Academic Performance of Learners of English as a Second Language in Awka Educational Zone of Anambra State, Nigeria. International Journal of Literacy Education, 10, 90-108.