- Author(s): Kosioma, Owede E
- Volume 11, No 1, 2023
This study evaluated the use of community resources for the implementation of community development programmes in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. The research design for this study is the descriptive survey design. This is because the variables under study will not be manipulated but only observed. A sample size of two hundred (200) respondents were selected from a population six hundred (600) using the purposive sampling technique. Assessing Local Resources for Community Development Programme Questionnaire (0.63) was used to obtain data for the study. The null hypothesis was rejected at 0.05 ?-level using chi square. Findings from the study showed that community development benefiting communities have resources that can be used in the implementation and attainment of community development programmes/projects goals. These resources were identified and used, with some challenges which include, accessibility to these resources, government policies, technical expertise and limited resources and cultural factors. The study recommended improved community capacity building by programme donors and government agents, development agents serving as catalyst for change and not imposing ideas, government and non-governmental organisations carrying out asset map that will form the foundation of community development plan. It concluded that available community resources within the communities should be properly harnessed and used for the attainment of community development programme goals.