Exploring the Strategies for Construction of Citizens’-Targeted Behavioural Change Messages in English Language in Nigeria

Citizens’-targeted messages, in whatever form when constructed in a language that is generally understood by the greatest number of people, are always expected to produce attitudinal and behavioural change. The construction of such messages in English Language requires some detailed technical understanding. This paper was, therefore, written to provide guidance on the strategies that need to be taken into consideration when constructing such messages. It began by discussing the essence of disseminating citizens’- targeted behavioural change messages which is to ensure a meaningful communication and the benefits of constructing such messages in English Language. The paper also discussed comprehensively the strategies that need to be taken into consideration when constructing such messages. It made some recommendations and concluded that
the strategies identified and discussed in the paper must always guide whoever is involved in the construction of citizens’-targeted behavioural change messages in English Language in Nigeria.

Oladipo Adeleye Olubodun PhD. Exploring the Strategies for Construction of Citizens’-Targeted Behavioural Change Messages in English Language in Nigeria. International Journal of Literacy Education, 10, 289-305.