Factors affecting Adult Learners Enrolment in Open Distance Learning Programmes in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria

This study investigated factors affecting adult learners’ enrolment in open distance learning programmes in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was adopted. The population of the study comprised adult learners participating in distance learning programmes in the metropolis.105 adult learners were purposively selected through simple random sampling technique. A researcher’s self-developed questionnaire on “Factors affecting adult Learners enrolment in Open Distance learning” was used for data collection while the data collected form respondents were analyzed using
descriptive statistics together with percentages, mean, mode and frequencies and the reliability of 0.82 was obtained which made the questionnaire reliable enough for the study. Data were analyzed using simple percentages, mean, mode and SPSS. Findings revealed that economic factors (cost of the programme, loan facilities, and cost effectiveness of the programme), learners’ characteristic, availability of learning materials (text books, library, conducive and classroom),
and affordability of the programme (cost effectiveness, cost of the programme and availability of government funds) are the major factors motivating adult learners to enroll in distance learning programme in the metropolis. The study recommended that provision of learners support services (trained lecturers, qualified counsellors and support staff) should be made available and that  provision of learning materials, provision of soft loans, with lower interest rate
should be available for the interest of adult learners in the programme to sustained learners interest in the programme.

A. O. Olawuni, Ph.D, T. T. Ambali, Ph.D, T. O. Noibi, and R. O. Lawal. Factors affecting Adult Learners Enrolment in Open Distance Learning Programmes in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. International Journal of Continuing and Non-formal Education, 10, 123-135.