Household Literacies and Shift in Gender Roles

For a long time, gender roles were rigidly defined, such that males were expected to be breadwinners of the family, occupants of public and leadership positions, while females were expected to be mainly homemakers, having care of the home, husband and children as their major responsibilities. Thus, men were separated for public spheres such as business and leadership, while women were essentially
restricted to private spheres of homemaking and motherhood. However, our societies are rapidly changing, and these changes are having great impact on gender roles, which are rapidly shifting as well. The shifting gender roles is ascribed to a number of factors, the major being a shift in women’s lives as a result of their level of literacy and education. This is said to be responsible for the need to combine family and work responsibilities, which has great implications for on current, as well as future involvement of men in household or family chores and care. This paper is a review of the link between household literacies and a shift in gender roles.

Kehinde O. Kester, PhD., Solomon O. Ojedeji. Household Literacies and Shift in Gender Roles. Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations, 5(1&2), 34-47.