- Author(s): Olasunkanmi, I. A. and Salubi, Blessed O
- Volume 11, No 2, 2023
This study investigated the effect of a self-developed Multimedia package on junior secondary school students’ performance in English monophthong pronunciation in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. While researchers have introduced several technology and non-technology based strategies to improve students’ performance in English oral sounds, there is still the need for improvement. Thus, the quest for possibilities of using the evolving and trending technologies to design and develop locally relevant
resources to facilitate the learning of English monophthongs. This study was hinged on Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, while Smith and Ragan’s instructional design model guided the design and development of the multimedia-enhanced English monophthongs instructional package. The study adopted the pre-test, post-test, control group quasi-experimental research design. A purposive sampling technique was employed to select two public secondary schools. Intact JSS III classes with a total of 82 students served as participants. Data collected using English Achievement Test (EAT) (r=0,70) and Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (r=0.77) instruments were analysed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Estimated Marginal Means to determine effects of the treatment on the dependent variable. The results revealed that students in Multimedia-enhanced instruction group (F = 11.805, p<0.05, partial η2 = (1, 68) 0.15) performed better than their counterparts in the control group. Also, male students significantly performed better than their female students with multimedia-enhanced package. However, computer self-efficacy did not significantly have effect on the dependent variable. Based on these findings, it was recommended that multimedia-enhanced packages should be adopted to teach English Monophthongs to foster effective learning of the English monophthongs at secondary school.