Opportunities and Challenges of Social Welfare Services Provision In Nigeria: A Value Judgement Analysis

Social welfare is government system aimed at assisting individuals in the society live a comfortable and worthy life. This paper focused on component of social welfare, social welfare services, functions as well as opportunities derived from it in Nigeria. It discussed the evolution and classification of social welfare services as well as the challenges militating against its provision to the vulnerable people It concluded therefore, that social welfare service provision in Nigeria is poorly
funded, neglected and largely undeveloped; as such, if the social vices and imbalance in Nigeria is to be curbed, great attention must be paid to the social welfare service provisions in the country as it caters for all population in the country.

U. S. Omokhabi PhD., Mensah Prince OSIESI.Opportunities and Challenges of Social Welfare Services Provision In Nigeria: A Value Judgement Analysis. International Journal of Continuing and Non-formal Education, 10, 259-274.