- Author(s): O. V. Adaja and O. E. Olajide
- International Journal of Community Education and Development, Volume 1 No. 1 January 2021
The peaceful co-existence of human beings is being threatened globally most especially in third world countries, this is as a result of various intra and inter regional conflicts, civil unrest from insurgency, secessionist agitators, banditry and terrorism in which Nigeria is not left out in these challenges. Nigeria has witnessed and still witnessing difference forms of violent conflicts. These challenges are having far reaching implications on the various forms of developmental efforts of both the government, donor agencies and individuals, because no development can be sustained in the face of violent conflicts and crisis. However, scholars have identified peace education and continuous community engagement as verifiable techniques in nipping these violent conflicts in the bud. It is against this background, that this paper explores the relevance of peace education and community engagement as panacea for sustainable development. The study recommends among other things that there is the need to introduce peace education in secondary schools’ curriculum and the need for government to explore community engagement strategy in addressing issues.