- Author(s): Ileuma Senimetu PhD and Agboola Olufunke Omolara PhD
- Volume 10, June 2021
school indices could play a major role. Hence this study investigated school indices (class size and school types) as correlates of pupils’ motivation towards learning in junior secondary schools in Lagos State. Descriptive survey research
design was adopted. This design is considered suitable because it allows the researcher to examine the relationship amongst the variables. Two hypotheses were raised. Study population consisted of all junior secondary school teachers (30,735) and students (337,724) in Lagos State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 941 teachers and 1261pupls. Two self-constructed
questionnaires titled “School Indices Questionnaire (SIQ)” and Pupils’ Motivation towards learning Questionnaire (SMQ)” were used to collect data for the study. Cronbach’s Alpha gave reliability coefficient values of 0.89 and 0.81 respectively. Hypotheses were tested with Multiple Regression. There was a joint significant
influence on pupils’ motivation towards learning in junior secondary schools in Lagos state (F = 6.397, P < 0.05). From (4, 936) relative perspective, class size (â= 0.078, t =2.397, p<0.05) and school type (â= -0.132, t = -4.093, p<0.05) significantly influenced pupils’ motivation towards learning in junior secondary schools in Lagos state. Findings of the study revealed frequent (good) students’ motivation and good school indices. It was recommended among others that the school environment should be conducive to ensure that students are always motivated.