The Role of Work-Life Balance on Job Performance of Female University Academics in South-Western, Nigeria

The study investigated work-life balance of female university academics in South Western Nigeria. Work-life balance emerges when work and family are synergistic and can complement each other. Work-family balance was also defined by Clark (2000) as an absence of work-family conflict or increasing levels of work-family enrichment. Recognising and addressing these challenges is essential for achieve a healthier work-life balance. Four research
questions and hypotheses were raised and tested. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design; this design was chosen due to its efficacy in systematically gathering information from a relatively large population. The
population of the study consisted of 5,810 female university academics in South Western Nigeria. The sample size for this study was 512 married female university academics in selected public and private universities in South-
Western Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted for the selection because of the diverse categories in the study to be captured. Scientific Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used for the internal consistency reliability index of the instrument r = .887. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC). The study revealed that female university academics adeptly employ family social support, household assistance, flexible work schedules,
and organisational childcare support as coping strategies to navigate stress and challenges. The study recommended that support systems such as family social support, flexible work, organisational child care support house assistance are needed to enhance the work-life balance of female university academics.

Motunrayo Ajoke Adeosun, Dr. Ronke C. Ojo, Dr. Blessing E. Anyikwa. The Role of Work-Life Balance on Job Performance of Female University Academics in South-Western, Nigeria. International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (IJCNFE), 11, 436-449.