Training Programmes of the Lagos State Drivers Institute and Behavioural Modification of Commercial Drivers in Lagos State, Nigeria

The trend of incessant road accidents in Nigeria with resulting injuries, disabilities, death, and economic waste is a huge cause of concern. Thisled to the establishment of the Lagos State Drivers Institute (LASDRI) in 2007 by the
State Government. LASDRI major objective is to improve road safety culture in Lagos State and since its establishment little or no definitive study has been conducted to reveal the impact of the institute on behavioural modification of commercial drivers in Lagos State. In light of this, the study examined the extent to which the Lagos State Drivers Institute (LASDRI) through its drivers’ education programmes can modify the behaviour of drivers on the roads. Three research questions and one hypothesis were raised and tested to guide the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Israel model sampling technique was used to select 382 respondents out to total population of 57,572. Self-constructed questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. Statistical
Package for Service Solution (SPSS) version 25 was used to analyse the data collected, using simple percentages, mean for the descriptive statistics and regression analysis to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The
findings revealed that LASDRI training programmes to a great extent have positively enhanced the behavioural modification of commercial drivers, the institute’s mandatory training programme has influenced commercial drivers’ safe driving toward road accident reduction, among others. Based on the findings, a conclusion was reached and it was recommended that if LASDRI programmes are fully participated by the commercial drivers, will significantly lead to positive behavioural modification and reduction in road accidents and a decline in loss of lives and property among others.

Afonja, A. F., Bakare T. V., Banjoko, I. O. Training Programmes of the Lagos State Drivers Institute and Behavioural Modification of Commercial Drivers in Lagos State, Nigeria. International Journal of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (IJCNFE), 11, 63-77.