Wage Rate Determination and Labour Productivity in Southwest, Nigeria

The impact of wages on productivity growth has continued to be a topic of widespread economic research. The study investigates the relationship between wage rate and labour productivity in southwest Nigeria with a view to seeing how these productivity indicators can be used in the context of collective bargaining to improve productivity. The research design adopted the expost facto type. The
study sample consisted of 1000 worker from 20 industries in southwestern Nigeria. Findings reveal that wage rate determine labour productivity to some extent as some other cogent factors such as educational level, years of experience, motivation of worker and leadership style of management also influence productivity as current wage stagnation is partly a function of low productivity and vice versa. The study recommends that minimum wage policies should be strongly advocated and strictly adhered to by industries while also reducing wage dispersion which could benefit long-run growth for the purpose of minimum wage fixing .More so, wages setting process should be fixed depending on the qualification and experience of the employee.

Isuku, E.J; Nwafor, E.I and Olaniyi, O. A. Wage Rate Determination and Labour Productivity in Southwest, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Industrial Education and Labour Relations, 5(1&2), 114-129.