- Author(s): Usang, N. O., Unimtiang, U. S., Udum, F. A., Ene, I. E.
- Volume 11, No 1, 2023
This study was to examine women community participation and forest resources conservation in Yala Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. The reason for the study is to unravelled the part women play in the
fight to save the forest ecosystem (including flora and fauna) from depletion and degradation. Correlational research design was adopted. This design was found to be more appropriate by the researchers because the design is a
systematic empirical enquiry in which the researcher does not have direct control of independent variable because their manifestation had already occurred or because they cannot be inherently manipulated. The estimated
projectedpopulation for the study is about 130,431 women respondents. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted in selecting six communities (wards) used for the study. Systematic random sampling technique was adopted in selecting 300 respondents. A self-developed questionnaire “Women Community Participation and Forest Resource Conservation” was used to obtain data. The research instruments were given for scrutiny to three experts in research and statistics. The items were subjected to content validity and reliability by the specialists. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach alpha technique. The coefficient (r) of the instrument was high at 0.81-0.83. Data were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistical tool for hypotheses testing. The findings obtained from analysis of data and testing of hypotheses of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between women self-initiative and forest resources conservation in the study area. There is a significant relationship between women participation in forest guard and forest resources conservation in the study area. Based on the findings obtained in the study, it was recommended among others that women participation as a practice in community services should be encouraged among dwellers in the study area in order to promote forest conservation and sustainable forest management. Word count 300