- Author(s): Prof. (Mrs) Caroline O. Olomukoro and S. S. Olawale
- Volume 10, June 2021
Competent and qualified adult education personnel are crux of successful literacy programmes. Trained personnel no doubt could significantly assist in motivating and sensitizing learners to enroll and continue learning. However, there is very little evidence to suggest that the National Mass Literacy, Adult and Non-formal
Education (NMEC) and the State Agencies made significant impact in terms of improving the effectiveness of facilitators to accomplish the goal of adult literacy programme in Nigeria. This paper, therefore, examines the enhancement of adult literacy facilitators’ effectiveness through diverse training and retraining programmes such as in-service training, conferences, symposium, short course,
workshops among others will enable them acquire new knowledge and innovative skills. The paper showed that training and retraining programmes as highlighted can help enhance adult facilitators effectiveness and competencies in the development, improvisation and utilization of instructional materials, evaluation and assessment of learners, creation of relevant learning contents, utilization of
numerous methods of facilitation among others The paper concludes on the note that the overall effectiveness of facilitators in adult education programmes depend on the competencies, knowledge and skills which the facilitators require in order to function effectively. Therefore, the paper suggests that a proper
framework be put in place by government for the professional development of adult literacy facilitators.